Monday, March 15, 2010

Skin Q&A

My friends call me the skincyclopedia, because when skin is the topic I have the experience, knowledge, and intuition to address any skin situation with a well rounded treatment approach (and solid reasoning to back it up). I have been a professional esthetician for over 11 years and skin, actually the body as a whole, is my life's main focus. I want you to have vibrantly healthy skin and a happy life. The aim of this blog is to offer effective advice and support on your journey to great skin.

Feel free to post questions- or just describe your skin to me and include your current regimen.


  1. Dear Ms Skincyclopedia,

    I have two problems:

    1) I've very prone to dandruff, and am able to manage it using T/Gel to some degree. However, T/Gel feels more like a chemical burn than a soothing treatment for an angry scalp. Are there better alternatives?

    2) I have bags under my eyes that just won't go away. They make me look old. What can I do that won't be too product and labor intensive?

    FYI: I have no skin care regime to speak of.

    Thank you,
    Tired Engineer

    This shampoo & fluid will give you serious results, the active ingredients are gentle and fruit-based. For best results take a Biotin supplement.

    For the puffy eyes, avoid salt. Especially before bed. Drink plenty of water to keep fluid retention at bay. Origins No Puffery works like a charm, or if you're brave you could use Preparation H. Apparently it's fantastic for puffy eyes. It may be a natural fat deposit, a genetic thing... If that's the case it will be mighty hard to treat.
